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Medicina en bovinos - enfermedades y conservacion del ganado

Bovine Medicine - Diseases and Husbandry Cattle
Autor: A.H. Andrews
Idioma: Ingles
Numero de paginas: 1233
Interes: Veterinario, Zootecnista
Formato: PDF


1. Management: Calf rearing, Suckler herds, Beef finishing system, Dairy farming, Heifer rearing, Tropical cattle management, Ethnoveterinary medicine in the tropics, Heat stress in dairy cattle, Nutrition, Alternative forages
2. Disease: Diaghnosis y differential diagnosis in the cow, Outline of clinical genetics, Congenital conditions, Calf diarrhoea, Salmonellosis, Digestive disorders of calves, Calf respiratory disease, Other calf problem, Endoparasites, Respiratory disease, Trace element disorders, Anatomy physiology and inmunology of the udder, Mastitis, Summer mastitis, Bulk milk testing, and mastitis monitoring, The milking machine, Skin infections of the bovine teat and udder and their differential diagnosis, Factors affecting milk quality, The enhancement of bovine mamary gland inmunity through vaccination, antimicrobial teraphy of mastitis, Lameness in the foot, Lameness above the foot, Reproductive physiology in cattle, The postpartum period, Problems associated with Oestrus ciclicity, Failure to conceive and embryonic loss, Fetal loss, Bull infertility, Artificial insemination and diseases transmitted by semen, Embryo transfer, Herad fertility management, Pharmacological manipulation of reproduction, Viral disease, Bacterial conditions, Ectoparasites tick and arthropod-borne diseases, Major metabolic disorders, Metabolic profiles, Alimentary conditions, Respiratory conditions, Skind conditions, Neurological disorders, Ocular diseases, Other conditions, Major poisonings, Welfare, Healh housing and hygiene, Biosecurity, Immunological fundamentals, Vaccines and vaccination of cattle, Antiparasitics, Antimicrobial agents, Inflammation and pain, Growth prometers in cattle, Injection damage, Alternative medicine, Aspects of bovine surgery, Stress and pathogenesis of disease, Disease related to management in europe, Cattle disease in africa, Rabies, Dairy farming in saudi arabia, Bovine medicine in new zealand and australia, North american dairy production and veterinary envolvement, The north american beef industry

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